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Classes in English which prepare our adolescents for success in an evolving future full of new challenges and bright ideas.

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We offer three programs for our youth, all very exciting and motivating.


First course: We offer a unique program called “Teen Trends”. We encourage our teens to design projects using all forms of media, as well as teaching them business English and business skills.

Second course: Includes levels 1, 2, 3. This course incorporates much speaking, listening comprehension and cultual immersion which goes beyond writing. We teach using the Book Scope.  We introduce scientific experiments, music, and cooking as well.

Third year: Aimed at adolescents with level B1 who excel in English. The course uses a PET-ready book and we place strong emphasis on speaking and listening through interactive games, cooking and projects.


Prepare for Professional Life with an excellent level of English.

To prepare the youth, the classes must be dynamic, attractive, and maintain a lively rhythm. Although books are used, we do a series of activities such as cooking, games, arts, Internet research among many others. A good relationship is essential at this stage, as well as being aware that this is a time of great change for them.

They will be challenged with new ideas and activities, but we are also mindful not to put them in situations where they feel uncomfortable. The learning is fun and exciting!

Young people are driven by curiosity and imagination. Although they don't yet have the typical adult concentration time, they are generally willing and enthusiastic. 

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